Heavy steel and sheet metal fabricator Schaffer Manufacturing is accepting applications for the 2015 Schaffer Manufacturing Industrial Arts Scholarship. Two $1500 scholarships are available to local-area high school students pursuing a two-year technical degree in any manufacturing-related field of study, including welding, CNC machining, and CNC programming.     

Each scholarship winner receives $500 after submitting grades for the 2015-2016 fall semester, and then $500 after both of the following two semesters. In addition, a scholarship recipient who graduates with a GPA of 3.0 or higher receives an employment interview with Schaffer Manufacturing.

The scholarship program, in its fourth year, is open to students in the Webster, Frederic, Luck, Unity, St. Croix Falls, Osceola, Amery, Turtle Lake, Clear Lake and Clayton school districts. Scholarship applications, available from high school guidance counselors, should be submitted to Schaffer Manufacturing by May 15.

Applying for the scholarship includes submitting a proposal to design and fabricate an Industrial Arts improvement project that will be donated to the student’s school. Scholarship recipients utilize Schaffer resources, materials and equipment to manufacture their projects. Past projects have included a mobile welding station and shop shelving.

For scholarship information, contact Steve Schaffer at sschaffer@www.schaffermfg.com.